So yesterday morning, I wanted my favorite pair of brown earrings, but they were nowhere to be found. I ransacked my earring collection, but to no avail. So maybe I'm not the parable, because I never found the pair of earrings.
But I did discover that the missing pair was one out of exactly 100! (sorta) Well, at the beginning of the day I counted 92, but then I found four broken pairs that I have yet to fix, made two more, planned another (which I actually made before, but they were made of clay that dissolves in water, and I was enough of a dolt not to take them out before getting in the ocean), and then there's the missing one. Out of those 100 earring pairs, I made 80, 5 were made for me by other people, and only 15 came from stores. I have reached a new landmark in my earring geek-dom!
My favorites include...
-the bottle cap series (Crush soda, Jones soda, and IBC Root Beer)
-starburst wrapper cranes
-caution tape
-bulky green glass beads with glow-in-the-dark flecks inside
-cardboard donuts
-flat blue beads and glass cubes with swirls of primary colors
-black and silver stars
-hoops of hematite cube beads
-lego flames, swords, and heads
-green leaves
-a new pair I made yesterday that's hard to describe, but they're pretty much chains of alternating blue and green beads, each bead acting as a link with loops of wire at either end that attach to the other loops on the other beads
-and those missing brown ones that have fun loops of wire and beads that look like fudge rounds
Those are just my favorites of the top of my head, if I had them in front of me, I'd end up with like 50 favorites, so I'll spare you all that.
I myself would have to favor for the Lego heads or the d20's, as far as my recollection can tell.
I wonder, if I wore earrings...
It is to the point that I cannot see Orange Crush without thinking of you...LOL. :)
Josh: The lego heads are on my list of most favored earlobe adornments. The only trouble(s) with the d20's is they're so heavy my earlobes are sore by the end of the day and the piercing holes are somewhat swollen for a few days. (Plus the fact that I couldn't wear them for the first few months I had them because it would've gotten me unwanted attention from and unwanted individual. But fortunately that issue is gone now, so I will wear them more often.). Other than those reasons, I love them for they fact that they represent the combination of two of my geekiest interests.
If you wore earrings... I don't even know what to speculate about that.
Greg: You should see the bracelet I made yesterday! I'm sure it will make you think of me even more when you see orange crush.
If I could wear earrings without getting infections, I would commission a pair of lego heads. ^_^ I think those and the starburst wrapper cranes are my favorites.
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