Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm typing this primarily so that I can have at least one post for every month this year.

And as a reminder to myself that this does exist and that I should get back to it this summer. I will either have lots of spare time this summer, or none at all. I should be deciding soon. If you've ever been suddenly expected to make major life decisions in a week or less, I'm sure you know what great fun it is.

My long hiatus was brought on by a whole slew of things demanding my undivided attention, often at the same time. Trying to split your undivided attention is a tricky business, so all the less demanding things got put on hold. As was mentioned before, I hope to return this summer.

I can't think of too many non-stressful things to post about at the moment, so I'm just going to once again redesign the look of my blog and share a few wonderful things that I've found/that have been brought to my attention since the last time I posted:
Hmm. A list of blogs, recent music artists, not super mainstream movies, and other strange things. I'm not a hipster, I promise (although I get along quite well with the nice ones). I should probably also note that my beau is responsible for/involved in the discovery of half of these things. I guess that makes him cool or something. It could even mean that I like him.

Ta-ta for now. I hope to post again soon.

Edit: I didn't redo my blog's look until after I posted this, so I had no idea what I was about to do. Apparently with one of the templates, changing the background picture just makes it pop up in the title area behind the main part of the site. I was messing around and thinking about the ridiculous possibilities when I tried out the chicks. It was perfect. Especially that one to the left of the center. It's begging for your help with its little orange felt beak and beady black eyes. It just makes me giggle. A little dark, perhaps, but you have to admit it's amusing. Since I was going to be silly anyway, I chose the font "Lobster" for my title and headings. It's such a great font name, but I'll never use it in a "serious" layout, so I decided it would get its chance to shine today.